SOTA Montagut EA3/TA-005


This time the summit was Montagut, in the north part of Tarragona province, its a easy summit, so I decide to go with some friends, from Reus its a 40 minuts car trip, and from the parquing area to the summit around 20 minuts.

The area its very beautiful, this was my first time in this area and sure will be back soon.

The equipment was the Yaesu FT-817 powered by solar battery and the antenna the Alexloop, I must to say that I am very happy with the result of this antenna, its very easy to install do not need counterpoise, and you can install in a photo tripod.

Its amazing what can you do with 5w and very small antenna, this time I only use 20m with CW and SSB QSOs, sometimes was very hard to me pickup some call from the cw pileups, lot of stations calling at sametime, but I had lot of fun.


The operation point

The result was 37 QSOs with HB9,  Z3, IT9, DL, EA, PA, G, ON, CT, HA, F, LA, GI, for a total of 13 DXCC not to bad for a less than a hour operation.



4 Responses to “SOTA Montagut EA3/TA-005”
  1. Very nice and fun to hear about the Alex Loop too! Great work! Grrrr! PB #173, Kelly K4UPG in Orlando, FL

  2. BBQ Bear dice:

    Grrreat pictures Esteve Bear and it looks like that loop gives some grrreat performance.
    Glad you had fun! I hope to talk with you on air sometime.

    Rem the BBQ Bear

  3. Christian - EA4EUN dice:

    Hola. Estoy pensado en comprar la Alexloop Walkham ¿dime que te parece esta antena? ¿rinde muy bien? mi idea es usarla en fonia con 20 vatios del yaesu 857. 73 de EA4EUN.

    • eb3epr dice:

      Hola Christian,

      Yo solo la he probado con 5W y desde la cima de alguna cumbre. El resultado en 20m es muy bueno supongo que las bandas altas hasta 10m tambien sera bueno.

      En 30m la antena ya es un poca mas justita aunque he realizado contactos con toda europa, donde tiene menos rendimiento es en 40m, realizaras contactos con estaciones que llegen con señales de 9+ sino es muy dificil.

      Para mi es una buena antena para realizar actividades SOTA porque la sintonizas y llamas en una frecuencia si es para ir buscando estaciones es otra cosa ya que se tiene que sintonizar cada pocos Khz.

      Tengo un video de la ultima actividad pero no tengo tiempo de realizarlo, alli se ve el pequeño pileup que se monta activando referencias SOTA.


      Esteve EB3EPR

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