EPR270 Vhf-Uhf Portable Antenna.

Hi, During the last days I have been playing and testing a wire antenna that allow a portable activity in VHF-UHF bands. This antenna a a prototype so still not ready the final unit. Hold the antenna on a fishing rod or in a tree and you will have a very good antenna for your … Seguir leyendo

EB3EPR/P desde VGT-132 Vertice la Mussara

Hola, Hacia varios meses que por varias razones no realizaba ninguna actividad «outdoor», asi que este fin de semana decidi que tenia que ir al monte con los equipos. EB3EPR/P desde VGT-132 Vertice La Mussara Tambien aprovecharia para probar los equipos nuevos, ya que hacia unas semanas que me habian robado alguno de los que … Seguir leyendo

SOTA Montagut EA3/TA-005

  This time the summit was Montagut, in the north part of Tarragona province, its a easy summit, so I decide to go with some friends, from Reus its a 40 minuts car trip, and from the parquing area to the summit around 20 minuts. The area its very beautiful, this was my first time … Seguir leyendo

SOTA EA3/TA-007 «La Miranda de Llavería»

Hello, For that activation I had lot of friends specially «Polar Bears» that was expecting to have a QSO with me, unfortunatly we could not do the QSO. This was not a «solo» activity this time some friends come together for to have a nice Sunday morning. Anna, Sandra and Lluis were also part of … Seguir leyendo